I have agonized over this blog post for over a week now and it's time to bite the bullet.
my dearest friends- I need your help.
In 11 days I leave for Greece where I will be working alongside a team of 14 NCCers to partner with A21 in sex trafficking. To date, 27 million people are victims of modern day slavery. That's a really big number. Why Greece you ask? Greece is known as the center of trafficking in Europe. A primary destination and transit country for human trafficking, an estimated 800,000 people are trafficked across Greek borders every year. Did you know that human trafficking has affected more PEOPLE than the Holocaust, Rwanda, Korean, Vietnam, WWI, and WWII combined?
The total cost of this trip is $3000 and I still need $1050. Will you help me get there? I leave on May 27th from Washington, DC.
Why is this trip so important to me? Looking at my history, it's begun to sink into me that others have been careless with my life. Studies indicate that abused children are 28 times more likely to be arrested for sex trafficking than those who were not abused. That statistic of 27 million? I could be one of them and it's by God's faithfulness that I'm not. But you know what? Until recently, I could care less. I could care less about me, about the 27 million others and the potentially millions of others who could be trafficked as well. I went about my day to day life as if my past didn't exist, pretending to be someone I'm not. I looked over every prostitute as if they didn't exist and pretending as if they chose the life they live. Reality is, they matter. I matter. And for me it starts with going to Greece with an amazing team from NCC.
It's been a long road and taken me a long time to realize that one life matters, MY life matters. I'm not sure when and how my story will be used, but I have a sneaky suspicion that this is just the beginning. Greece is step one of many to come. Will you help me get there? I would be ever so grateful!
If you’re able to help financially, you can give in a couple of ways:
1. By credit card on-line through the National Community Church website. You’ll need to sign up for an account so that you can receive a receipt for tax purposes. Click Here to give online. Click the online giving button, create an account, and under the “Funds” category, select “Greece Trip 2011″, and then be sure to select my name in the “Sub Fund” drop down box that appears after you select the trip so that it gets credited to my account.
2. If you don’t need the tax refund, you can send a check to me: Diana Wei Fang, 205 F Street NE Washington DC 20002, and write in the Memo line – Greece Trip 2011.
3. Since time is short- I also have a paypal account You can also search for me using Diana.Fang@theaterchurch.com :)
Again, thank you!
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