01 October 2009


Okay. So I made this pact with Chris Jarrell. We will no longer neglect our blogs because of our fears. Chris claims he neglects his blog because he claims his grammar isn't good enough. I neglect mine and refuse to make mine public because I'm too scared of what others think of me. SURPRISED!? I'm not.

So Lord. this is my attempt to be *selfish*- as Joan would say, and to not give a damn about what others say about me or think about me....

Easier said than done. *whoooooooosa!*

Time to make the blog public.


Chris Jarrell said...

I am glad I am standing with you as you step in this endeavor. God is going to use you and your voice...we can be a support to each other.

Thank you for your challenge and encouragement.

We will both grow through this process.

Unknown said...

Thank YOU. Already you've given me courage to post tonight (without the tears from last night). Only upward bound from here!